Program Completion and Conferral (2024)

Congratulations! You have almost completed your study.

To finish your program, there are a number of steps that you need to complete to ensure you are eligible to graduate.

1. Program Completion

When you have finished your study and met 100% degree requirements in DegreeWorks, your student record can then be assessed for program completion.This includes administrative checks, such as verifying the absence of outstanding grades or enrolments and compliance with other program requirements.

As you near the completion of your program, it is crucial for you, as the student to ensure the accuracy of your student record.There is no register to graduate; instead, you must review your program and personal details through MySR and update any incomplete information. Ensuring the correctness of your student record and program details is your responsibility and failure to do so by the specified deadlines may result in delays in processing your program completion and conferral.

If you study under the Graduate Research School, you need to contact them directly in relation to your completion and timelines as we do not complete your records, this includes Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Research, Bachelor of Research.


To be eligible for the next conferral round, your student record must be ready for completion as per the timelines below (no extensions permitted to these timelines):

Timeline for June 2024 conferral


Timeline for June 2024 conferral

Your student record needs to be ready for assessment (no extensions to deadlines)

Student record needs to be ready for assessment by end of day Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Email to students who have a "completed" status on their student record

These emails will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.

You are now complete email will be sent by end of day, week ending Friday, 3 May 2024

Email to students

Are you ready for completion

You have outstanding fees, holds, grades which need to be finalised

You are currently enrolled

Near completion - may need to submit any outstanding documentation or check your majors are correct this will prevent you from meeting the 100% in Degree Works (ie transfer credit, have incorrect majors listed, have not entered a compulsory major).

Are you ready for completion email will be sent by end of day, week ending Friday, 3 May 2024

You need to have your student record fixed and sitting at 100% by end of day Wednesday, 15 May 2024 for all potential June conferral students

Email to students who have outstanding fees/administration hold.

You as the student need to review your emails and student account relating to outstanding fees, administration holds, library fees (will only be sent via email from the library)

Important Hold on Record Unable to progress to completion/conferral email will be sent by week ending Friday, 3 May 2024

Any hold needs to be removed by end of day Friday, 10 May 2024 (this is removed from your record) or you will be moved to a future conferral round

HDR students

Please contact GRS who will provide you dates you are to have all your student record details finalised.You can contact the GRS team by submitting a WesternNow ticket

Contact GRS Team

Double Degree/Integrated/Early Exit from main program

Early exit applications (for integrated programs, double degrees or if you are taking an early exit from your full program).

This needs to be submitted by end of day Wednesday, 15 May 2024

If not submitted on time you will not be assessed for the conferral round

Email to students - final opportunity to check details for conferral

Check your details email for conferral will be sent by end of day Friday, 24 May 2024

Students to respond with any errors by end of day Wednesday, 29 May 2024.If no response to email, conferral will be as per information provided in your communication and no changes after this date are permitted.If you are an honours student, we may not have this information at this time but will update you once level received by school and will be added to your record (please feel free to reach out to your school to ensure they are processing).

Name changes need to be submitted to student hub by end of day Monday, 27 May 2024 and processed by Wednesday, 29 May 2024 (if you had checked previous communication, this should have already been checked and fixed).

It is your responsibility to submit correct certified documentation for processing Change of Personal Details.Any late changes will incur a replacement change of name testamur fee.

Regardless how small the change may be, you must complete the Change of Personal Details process; the Student Completions Team are unable to make changes to your name.

Conferral Date

End of day Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Email to students to advise they are now conferred

End of day week ending Friday, 15 June 2024

These email will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.

Posting of graduation documents (to those who have made payment) How to pay will be provided in our email communication.

Will be posted 3 weeks post conferral, aroundweek endingFriday, 5 July 2024

These will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date if you have not received tracking details but have made payment

eTestamurs to be sent to those who have paid for graduation documents. These will be issued through MyeQuals to your email address provided upon payment

Mid-June 2024

These will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.


For information on the next Graduation Ceremony round, including dates, regalia hire, registration fees, and guest tickets, please visit our Graduation Ceremonies webpage Graduation Ceremonies.If you require further assistance, please submit a Graduation Support & Advice ticket via WesternNow for a prompt response.The student completions team no longer manage the event and will not be able to respond to ceremony questions, you must use the above link.

To ensure you are able to be contacted, please ensure your contact details (personal email and mobile number) are up to date in My Student Records (MySR) so important information is not missed.

Timeline for August 2024 conferral


Timeline for August 2024 conferral

Your student record needs to be ready for assessment (no extensions to deadlines)

Student record needs to be ready for assessment by end of day Friday, 12 July 2024

Email to students who have a "completed" status on their student record

These emails will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.

You are now complete email will be sent by end of day, week ending Friday, 19 July 2024

Email to students

Get ready to graduate!

You have outstanding fees, holds, grades which need to be finalised

You are currently enrolled

Near completion - may need to submit any outstanding documentation or check your majors are correct this will prevent you from meeting the 100% in Degree Works (ie transfer credit, have incorrect majors listed, have not entered a compulsory major).

Get ready to graduate! email will be sent by end of day, week ending Friday, 21 June 2024

You need to have your student record fixed and sitting at 100% by end of day Friday, 12 July 2024 for all potential August conferral students

Email to students who have outstanding fees/administration hold.

You as the student need to review your emails and student account relating to outstanding fees, administration holds, library fees (will only be sent via email from the library)

Important Hold on Record Unable to progress to completion/conferral email will be sent by week ending Friday, 5 July 2024

Any hold needs to be removed by end of day Friday, 12 July 2024 (this is removed from your record) or you will be moved to a future conferral round

HDR students

Please contact GRS who will provide you dates you are to have all your student record details finalised.You can contact the GRS team by submitting a WesternNow ticket

Contact GRS Team

Double Degree/Integrated/Early Exit from main program

Early exit applications (for integrated programs, double degrees or if you are taking an early exit from your full program).

This needs to be submitted by end of day Wednesday, 10 July 2024

If not submitted on time you will not be assessed for the conferral round

Email to students - final opportunity to check details for conferral

Check your details email for conferral will be sent by end of day Friday, 2 August 2024

Students to respond with any errors by end of day Wednesday, 7 August 2024.If no response to email, conferral will be as per information provided in your communication and no changes after this date are permitted.If you are an honours student, we may not have this information at this time but will update you once level received by school and will be added to your record (please feel free to reach out to your school to ensure they are processing).

Name changes need to be submitted to student hub by end of day Wednesday, 31 July2024 and processed by Friday, 2 August2024 (if you had checked previous communication, this should have already been checked and fixed).

It is your responsibility to submit correct certified documentation for processing Change of Personal Details.Any late changes will incur a replacement change of name testamur fee.

Regardless how small the change may be, you must complete the Change of Personal Details process; the Student Completions Team are unable to make changes to your name.

Conferral Date

End of day Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Email to students to advise they are now conferred

End of day week ending Friday, 23 August 2024

These email will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.

Posting of graduation documents (to those who have made payment) How to pay will be provided in our email communication.

Will be posted 5 weeks post conferral, around week endingFriday, 4 October 2024.

These will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date if you have not received tracking details but have made payment

eTestamurs to be sent to those who have paid for graduation documents. These will be issued through MyeQuals to your email address provided upon payment

End-September 2024

These will be sent in batches, others may receive before you.Even if your friend has received it and you have not, only reach out after this advertised date.


For information on the next Graduation Ceremony round, including dates, regalia hire, registration fees, and guest tickets, please visit our Graduation Ceremonies webpage Graduation Ceremonies.If you require further assistance, please submit a Graduation Support & Advice ticket via WesternNow for a prompt response.The student completions team no longer manage the event and will not be able to respond to ceremony questions, you must use the above link.

To ensure you are able to be contacted, please ensure your contact details (personal email and mobile number) are up to date in My Student Records (MySR) so important information is not missed.

2. Eligibility Review

Please read the below important checks to ensure your record can be completed. Please check your DegreeWorks and MySR to ensure all details are correct and nothing outstanding. This will minimise the risk of not being conferred and moved to a future conferral round.

Register for an Early Exit, Diploma or one component of your double degree

Submit an early exit request for the below situations:

  • If you wish to exit early from your enrolled award
  • If you want to graduate with your Diploma in an integrated program
  • If you want to graduate from the first component of your double degree program
  • If you have finished studying an integrated or double degree program and you want to graduate with both degrees

Please note:

  • If you take an early exit and are not in a double degree or integrated program, you must reapply via UAC if you wish to continue with the full program at a later date.
  • Double and Integrated programs can take an early exit from the first component (as per the Academic Handbook) and continue with the second component.

You can apply for an early exit via the following steps:

  • Log in to MySR
  • Click on the Banner menu on the top left (three horizontal bars)
  • Click on Banner > Student > Graduation > Early Award and Exit Request
  • You can check your eligibility to receive an Early Award here and apply if you are eligible
  • You will get an outcome based on the Student Completion team’s assessment of your request.

Finalise holds and outstanding fees (Encumbrances)

Please check your student record, statement of account and emails for any holds or outstanding fees.You must clear all holds and outstanding debts with the University before you can be completed/conferred. Continue to check your student record, statement of account and emails to ensure no late fees or administration holds are added. This includes:

  • Tuition Fees
  • Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
  • Loans
  • Library fines
  • Equipment fees
  • Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) holds
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI) holds
  • Graduation holds
  • Misconduct holds

Please refer toHolds (Encumbrances)for information on how to pay, what will happen if you don't clear your debts, and how to get help and advice.

Check your grades are correct and have no outstanding results

Check your grades are appearing on your record, are correct and as you expected and you have no unfinalised results.If you have an unfinalised grade or any subject with no grade, please reach out to your school to have these updated with a final grade.

If you are applying or waiting for a Review of Grade, Change of Grade, Supplementary exam or results you must advise us at so we can move you to a future conferral round.It is your responsibility to withdraw from conferral if you are waiting for an outcome.

If you apply for a Review/Change of Grade you will be uncompleted and moved to a future conferral round.You must apply for the Review of Grade through the online form, if you are going through the school directly you must email to advise you are submitting a Review of Grade so we can put a hold on your record.If you do not and the review is upheld, if your record has been completed we are unable the change the details.You must also inform us when the grade has been updated to have the hold removed.

Any activity that results in a delay to your final results leads to your completion and conferral being moved to a future conferral round. Such activities include (but are not limited to):

  • Delays in processing marks
  • Sitting a deferred/supplementary exam
  • Submitting an additional assessment
  • Submitting documentation for disruption to studies or a review of grade
  • Change of Grade not processed by advertised timeline
  • You were given an extension to submit work and results not finalised by advertised timelines
  • Your results are not finalised by the advertised timelines
  • Professional placement / Industrial Experience / Industry Based Learning / grades are not complete
  • Your post census miscellaneous unit is not finalised and transferred by the advertised timelines

Please note: If you have outstanding details, please contact your Academic Program Advisor to review your student record to enable you to move forward in the completion process.

Check award and program details (Majors, Minors, Concentrations, Honours Class)

  • Please check that your award details are shown correctly in MySR (Majors, Minors, Concentrations, Teaching Areas, Curriculum Areas etc.).Please remove any that you will not complete as this will block you from completion
  • Testamur Majors will be shown on your testamur (degree certificate) and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).
  • Non-Testamur Majors, Minors and Concentrations will be shown on your AHEGS only – please refer tothe Handbook or your Academic Program Advisor if unsure.
  • If you are waiting for an honours level, this will be updated once we have received it from your school.If we have not provided a leveland you receive our final communication "Check your details for Conferral" please send us an email to advise it is still missing - just to ensure your document details will be correct.
  • If you believe you have met the requirements to be awarded Distinction or University Medal, check that this has been added to your record. If you are unsure whether you are eligible to graduate with Honours, Distinction or a University Medal, refer to theGraduation Policy / Document / Policy DDS
  • If you are in abolt on program it is your responsibility to contact your academic program advisor for that bolt on program requesting the advanced standing to be added to your bolt on program.This can only be done once you have completed all the 8 subjects in your primary Bachelor program.
  • No outstanding advanced standing from previous study or program transfer details pending.
  • Your program variation is not finalised on student record.
  • Please make sure you do not have enrolled subjects under the program you wish to be completed from. If there are enrolled subjects for a future round (not a current round which falls within the advertised deadlines) you will automatically be removed from assessment.
  • If you know you havestudied outside program structure/rules, please seek assistance from your school to submit a “Contrary to Program Rules ticket” to have this finalised by the advertised deadline.
  • If you are studyingCross Institutionalat another institute you do have to meet the advertised deadlines.This will most probably result in you not been eligible for the closest conferral and may result in you being included in a future round.Due to the tight timelines we are unable to move these deadline dates.

Ensure your personal details are correct

You need to check your full legal name as in MySR. You can view your legal name by checking your student completion verification page in MySR. Your full legal name is what appears on all your official documents from the University including your Testamur (degree certificate) and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS). Your legal name should match your Birth Certificate/Passport/Australian Citizenship Certificate.

If you need to change your legal name, regardless of how small the change may be, follow the directions on theChange of Personal Details webpage.

Notify the Student Completions Team via email immediately once you have completed the above steps to advise you have submitted the correct documentation for your change of name.Any late changes will incur a Replacement Testamur: Change of Name fee – so it is important to update immediately.If you have any questions relating to name changes, please call the Student Hub on 1300 668 370.The Student Completions team are unable to make changes to your name.

Please note that no titles or brackets will be printed on the testamur.

Ensure your contact details (personal email address and phone number) are also correct in MySR to receive important conferral and ceremony information.

Graduate Research School - Submit Your Thesis Before Graduation

Are you a research student? If you are a Research graduate, you must follow communication and details as provided by the Graduate Research School (GRS) ensuring all documentation is submitted to them by the timelines.If all details are not finalised and provided to GRS and any outstanding administration details may result in your conferral being delayed until the following round.

3. Conferral

Conferral is the official University process by which students degrees are awarded after final University approval. You are considered a graduate of Western Sydney University upon your conferral date.This is not your ceremony date. Conferral dates are aligned to different ceremonies, this information will be updated on the events website once details are known.If you are wanting ceremony information please contactGraduation Ceremonies | Western Sydney University

4. Graduation Documents

Graduation documents include your Testamur (degree certificate) and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).

Graduation documents are no longer handed out at our graduation ceremonies and will instead be mailed to your nominated address at time of payment by registered post (usually 4 weeks post conferral). You will receive an email with Australia Post tracking details once sent.

Pay for your Documents: To receive your official graduation documents (Testamur and AHEGS), you will need to place an order and make payment throughPayments. Please note thatPayments will require you to create an account with your personal email address to make payment for your official graduation documents.If you are graduating from more and integrated program or double program in the same conferral round (i.e. a Diploma and Bachelor or a double Bachelor), you only need to make one payment as they will be mailed together (this is not for those graduating from two separate awards eg. Bachelor and Masters), to purchase follow the below:

Payments > Western Sydney University Payments > Graduations > Official Documents (Graduates and Alumni).Graduation documents are $30 within Australia and $55 outside Australia.

Note: If you have previously graduated from a program and have not paid to have your graduation documents mailed out, any payment received will automatically be assigned to the earlier award documentation and those will be posted.If you know you have documents in archives,you can elect to make payment and email us advising you have some in archives and we can retrieve and send with your new award, this will be a 2-3 week wait or you can make 2 payments.If we find documents in archives we will automatically send those.

Congratulations! Successful completion of all these steps makes you a Western Sydney University Graduate and you are now one of our Alumni. Find out everything our Alumni team can do for you at Alumni.

Related Links

  • Academic Documents
  • Award Verification Service
  • DFAT Documents
  • FAQ’s
Program Completion and Conferral (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.