HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (2024)

HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (1)

A Yoga Girl® Online Course by Rachel Brathen

Welcome Home

HOME: A Self-Guided Journey is a 7-part online exploration of healing practices, rituals, and tools to help you return to yourself, to your body, to your purpose, to your soul...and to this earth. Follow Rachel's guidance as you deepen your connection to yourself and Mother Nature. Explore deep inner layers of yourself, create sacred nature rituals, discover how to use movement as medicine, and experience a true sense of belonging.

The path home is clear - join us.


One-time payment for lifetime access.

Payment Plan:

$150 deposit + 4 monthly payments of $86.25 = $495

Payment plan option is non-refundable. Payment plan option is ineligible for sale discount offers.

HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (2)

HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (3)

About this course

Are you ready?

Tend to the earth and to your heart with healing expert, Rachel Brathen as she teaches you how to align your life with Mother Nature as a means of finding true inner healing, peace, and presence.

HOME: A Self-Guided Journey is a virtual Yoga Girl® course featuring a curated series of healing practices, sacred nature rituals, guided meditations, and more divided into seven unique modules. Embark on a journey of growth and embodiment as you learn how to live in better harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Realign with the rhythms of nature as you discover movement as medicine, lean on rituals and community for support, and much more. Follow Rachel as she guides you through her favorite healing tools, movement practices, and sacred rituals - some never-before shared publicly. This self-guided journey offers an opportunity to take big steps toward lasting transformation, one ritual at a time.

  • To find your way toward feeling more happy, rested, calm, and hopeful all around?
  • To spend less time looking at a screen and more time playing, getting creative, and looking up at the sky in wonder?
  • To shower yourself with love and allow yourself to simply BE without shame or judgement?
  • To deepen your relationship with nature and awaken your sense of purpose?
  • To be a part of a safe, nurturing, and loving community that will hold space for you and remind you that you truly do belong?

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (4)

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey is designed for anyone who is truly ready to explore their deepest inner layers.

    Through seven modules, you will journey alongside others in the HOME course community using a carefully curated roadmap to awaken your connection to Mother Earth and unearth your truest self.

    Learn how to slow down, get outside as a way of going deeper inside of yourself, and connect with Mother Earth in a way that will guide you for years to come. Remember - we have to first get lost to begin finding our way home. Everything you have been through, has brought you to this place.

    Welcome home.


    Heart Sharings & Lectures from Rachel

    Dive deep into your personal exploration as Rachel shares inspiring lectures, lessons, and tutorials that will support and guide you through each module.


    Nature-Based Activities & Articles

    Discover the healing capability that Mother Nature provides by deepening your relationship and understanding of various plants through foraging and creative projects, learning how to lean on plants for support, exploring various ways to tend to and care for the earth, and getting outside to uncover all she has to offer.


    Self Development Activities & Articles

    Throughout the seven modules, you will explore how to live intentionally, connect with your primal nature, and step into the most authentic version of yourself. You will also explore fear, shame, insecurity, past wounding, boundaries, resistance around rest, your relationship with joy and pleasure, divine connection, and everything in between.


    Yoga Practice Videos

    Move your body with brand new all-levels yoga practices intentionally created to help you move through and embody each module, and learn how to use movement as medicine for spiritual embodiment and healing (not punishment!).


    Meditation Videos

    Quiet the mind and gain clarity from within to process big emotions, settle your nervous system, and find total mind-body-spirit connection in both seated and other active meditation practices.


    Audio Meditations

    Learn how to embrace your entire being, lean into challenging emotions like sadness, anger, or joy, and find calm whenever you feel panicked or overwhelmed with the variety of downloadable audio meditations available. You’ll even have opportunities to take your meditation practice outside to help you strengthen your bond with nature!


    Journal Prompts

    Take time to channel the deepest longings of your heart with curated journaling prompts and reflective exercises. Give yourself space to dream, sift through obstacles in your way, acknowledge fear and discomfort, establish your needs, core values, and boundaries, reconnect with joy, and more.



    Complimentary downloadable workbooks will be available to support you on your journey back home with helpful resources and written companions to guide you through rituals, practices, journaling, and more!


    Curated Playlists

    Do you like practicing with music? As an added bonus, each of the yoga practices, plus two other movement practices offered in HOME: A Self-Guided Journey will include an emotionally-curated Spotify® playlist to accompany you!

    • How to create a relationship with plants and the elements of Mother Nature for healing medicine, sacred ceremony, and a reminder that you are already home

    • What “self-love” and “self-care” truly mean and how to live a life that nurtures you rather than depletes you

    • How to turn regular day-to-day routines into sacred rituals

    • How to get unstuck and alchemize painful baggage or trauma of the past into healing

    • How to move through the world with less shame and fear, and more love, presence, and gratitude

    • How to use your personal fire to courageously step out of your comfort zone, stand in your power, and set healthy boundaries

    • What’s in the way of you feeling more “alive” and how to live a more joyful life

    • And more!

    Course Structure

    Each module will guide you through a series of lecture-style lessons, guided meditations, yoga and other movement practices, nature-based ritual practices to incorporate into your life, and more!


    You'll begin by getting organized, exploring and familiarizing yourself with the Yoga Girl School and course platform, and reviewing various orientation resources and materials so that you can feel ready and prepared for each of the upcoming modules.


    In this module, you will be dreaming, designing, and planning your metaphorical garden (your life!) while exploring the various lessons available. You will learn about intention-setting, intentional living, creating sacred space, honoring and respecting land and culture, and you will take your first steps in getting to know some plant life.


    It’s time to get your hands dirty as you begin to dig! Here is where you will be digging deep into your past, turning the earth, and removing any obstacles in the way of your path forward. Learn how to look within yourself and consciously release buried emotions that may be keeping you feeling stuck or numb, learn the basics of foraging, and explore how to lean on nature and plant-life for support when faced with challenges.


    Time to plant seeds! The magnificent things that you want out of life will come from daring to try - but you can’t forget that you need a secure container to dare from. As you continue building a strong foundation and planting your seeds, this module will invite you to lean into trust and patience as you wait for full blossoming to occur.

    Explore your fears, step out of your comfort zone, and learn how to live life from a courageous place so that you may access the infinite potential you carry within. You will continue connecting with your favorite plant friends, practicing emotional release, learning how to move freely in your body through ecstatic dance, and more!


    Now, we sprout! Watch as your seeds begin to turn into tiny seedlings, but be mindful of how fragile and vulnerable you may be here. Watering and nourishing your garden is super important, so this module is centered around self-care, increasing your sense of self-worth, and using Mother Nature to help bring you there.

    During this module, you will learn about tea and how to invite its ancient wisdom into your life as plant medicine for your entire being. You will also learn how to communicate and get to know your inner child, how to adorn and treat yourself in ways that you truly love, and how to rest and tend to your needs with nurturing attention when it feels impossible to slow down.


    It’s time to delineate from the crowd, set boundaries, and grow strong. This module is all about following your gut and standing in your POWER as you learn to honor your core values, trust in your strength, and feel empowered to say “NO” where needed. During this module, you will learn how to connect with and trust your intuition, how to set firm (but fair) boundaries for others so that your wellbeing doesn’t become an afterthought, and how to unlock your deep primal power through movement as you begin to understand your limits and access continued growth.


    Your garden has grown strong and steady, and your hard work is paying off. It’s time to harvest! Enjoy the true pleasure of watching your flowers blossom. Treat yourself, indulge in every possible way, and discover what truly makes your heart sing. This module is all about receiving pleasure, appreciating your own uniqueness, and embracing JOY!

    You will have delightful opportunities to tap into your creativity, pleasure, and divine nature as you allow yourself to melt and relax with the help of some plant friends and intuitive movement practices.


    Every day, we continue growing - and every day, we are starting over. During the final module, you will embrace the cyclical nature of life and make the mundane special and sacred through commitment, prayer, surrender, and devotion.

    In this module, you will take the work and practices from the past modules, integrate them, and turn them into real-life rituals that can be sustained for the long term. You will also continue your nature-based practices as you learn how to commit to living a sacred life, and deepen your connection with the planet, your community, and your sense of true purpose.

    Meet your course facilitator

    Rachel Brathen

    Rachel is a Swedish-native, New York Times best-selling author, non-profit founder, serial entrepreneur, and an international yoga teacher with sold out classes and festivals around the world. She's also the founder and CEO of Yoga Girl®, the owner of the largest yoga studio in the Caribbean, Island Yoga, and the host of two #1 podcast shows, Conversations From The Heartand Yoga Girl Daily.

    With over 2 million followers on social media, and reaching a global audience in over 170 countries, Rachel has been featured in Women's Health, Yoga Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Tedx Talks, and more.

    Rachel's inviting methodology and nurturing guidance serves the purpose of deepening the connection we have not only to ourselves, but with the people around us as well. With over a decade of professional teaching experience, she hasnow developed the online HOME course out of her own yoga, healing, and meditation practices to help make some of her in-person offerings more accessible around the globe.

    When she's not actively trying to help make a change in the world, she enjoys cooking, baking, communing with nature, and spending her days with her husband, Dennis, their daughter, Lea Luna, and their three dogs, Ringo, Laika, and Quila.

    Patrick Jones - Course author

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    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (6)

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (7)

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (8)

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (9)



    Paid in full. Lifetime access.

    Payment plan


    $150 deposit + 4 monthly payments of $86.25 per month (non-refundable)

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (10)

    - our signature online course for deep inner work, healing, and strengthening your bond with Mother Nature

    • HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (11)


    Frequently asked questions

    How is HOME: A Self-Guided Journey different from HOME: A 7-Week Course with Rachel Brathen?

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey is an affordable collection featuring all of the same yoga practices, heart share lectures, meditations, nature rituals, personal development practices, and community access that is offered in HOME: A 7-WeekCourse with Rachel Brathen, minus live integration sessions with Rachel, curated sharing groups, designated support for virtual sharing sessions, weekly astrology forecasts, and premium community private group access.

    When does HOME: A Self-Guided Journey begin?

    You can start and move along all of the course materials whenever you’d like and completely at your own pace.

    How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

    It’s completely up to you! HOME: A Self-Guided Journey was designed so that you have a wide range of healing resources and practices that you can turn to in every season of your life. If you’d like to focus on the course a little bit each day, once a week, or spread out over the course of year you have the space to do just that. Plus, with lifetime access, there are no deadlines whatsoever!

    I live in a city with no access to natural spaces, can I still join?

    Yes! This course was created for everyone and anyone that is looking to deepen their connection to nature and themselves. This course was also created to serve as a reminder that nature isn’t just a place you go - you are nature. Know that no matter what your living situation is, you will be able to adapt and customize the lessons, practices, and rituals to your local area.

    Do I need any yoga experience to join this course?

    No! While some yoga experience may be helpful, all movement-based classes have been designed for all-levels in mind and with different variations and/or recommended props suggested as applicable. HOME: A Self-Guided Journey offers many opportunities to listen to and trust your own body, and we hope you do just that!With that said, if you have questions or concerns about a specific medical condition or particular physical activity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@yogagirl.com and consult with your medical doctor.

    I’m pregnant. Can I still participate?

    Yes! With the movement-based classes offered in the HOME: A Self-Guided Journey course, different variations and/or recommended props will be suggested as applicable so you can make adjustments to suit your body and personal needs. Additionally, most physical meditation practices that will be offered can be adapted to suit the different stages of pregnancy, but if you have questions or concerns about a particular physical activity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and consult with your medical doctor for alternatives.If you decide it's best to forgo a particular movement class or physical activity while you are pregnant, you can always return to those at any time in the future that works best for you and your body.

    What do I need to prepare for this course?

    Pre-course orientation materials and other resources will become available to you in your course lessons upon signup to help you prepare for the following modules.

    How long will I have access to the course materials?

    You will have lifetime access to all course materials so that you can continue to review and revisit all lessons, rituals, activities, or practices whenever you'd like.

    What payment options are available for purchasing?

    We accept all major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) The standard price of this course is $495, but if you wish to choosea quick, safe, and easy payment plan, you most certainly can do so! With our payment plan option, a $150 non-refundable deposit will be required for setup, then you will make four monthly installment payments of $86.25 each month until the total balance of $495 has been paid.You can make payments using any major credit or debit cards.The payment plan option is non-refundable and not eligible for any potential sale discounts.

    I purchased the HOME course, how can I access my School Dashboard and all of the course materials?

    After logging into YogaGirl.com, simply go to your account avatar on the top right (or menu if on mobile) and click My School Dashboard.From there you will have access to your school dashboard, school messages inbox, course lessons, the community, and more.

    What is your refund policy?

    If you are not satisfied with HOME: A Self-Guided Journey, you will have 7 days from your original date of purchase from which you can request a full refund, minus a $150 non-refundable administrative and materials fee. The payment plan option is non-refundable.

    I created a payment plan, how can I view my payment plan details?

    Once logged in and after setting up your payment plan, you can view your payment plan details by clickingAccount on the top navigation of the Yoga Girl School, or by clickinghere.

    My question hasn’t been answered here. Who can I talk to?

    If you have any additional questions that weren’t already answered, please reach out to our customer support team at info@yogagirl.com.

    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (13)

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    HOME: A Self-Guided Journey (2024)


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    Author: Manual Maggio

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    Author information

    Name: Manual Maggio

    Birthday: 1998-01-20

    Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

    Phone: +577037762465

    Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

    Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

    Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.