All Unique Items in Last Epoch and How to get them (2025)

By: Stephanie Watel - Updated:

Plenty of ways to make your character unique!

All Unique Items in Last Epoch and How to get them (1)

Image via Eleventh Hour Games

As you explore mythical dungeons full of fearsome beasts in Last Epoch, one of the key aspects of progress is acquiring the best loot and gear items for your character, which in this case are Unique items. If you're wondering what they all are, here's our handy guide for all Unique items in Last Epoch and how to get them.

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Table of Contents

Unique Body Armor

Unique Gloves

Unique Belts

Unique Boots

Unique One-Handed Swords

Unique One-Handed Axes

Unique One-Handed Maces

Unique Daggers

Unique Sceptres

Unique Wands

Unique Two-Handed Swords

Unique Two-Handed Axes

Unique Two-Handed Maces

Unique Two-Handed Spears

Unique Two-Handed Staves

Unique Bows

Unique Quivers

Unique Shields

Unique Off-Hand Catalysts

Unique Rings

Unique Amulets

Unique Relics

Unique Small Idols

Unique Large Idols

Unique Huge Idols

Unique Adorned Idols

All Unique Items in Last Epoch - Drop rates & Timelines/Locations

Below we've listed all unique items that can be obtained in Last Epoch, along with their drop rate chance, the class required to equip/use them, and where to find them (e.g. timelines and dungeons).

Unique Helmets

ItemDrop RateTimeline FoundClass
CalamityCommonThe Black Sun-
SnowblindCommonThe Black Sun-
Peak of the MountainN/AThe Mountain Beneath
('Lightless Arbor' Dungeon)
Decayed SkullCommonThe Black Sun-
Howl of the West WindCommonThe Black SunPrimalist
The Ashen CrownCommonThe Black SunMage
Artor's LegacyCommonThe Black SunPrimalist
Fractured CrownN/AObtained by Using Rune of Ascendance
on Runed Visage that has Mana and Damage Dealt
to Mana Before Health prefixes
with 21+ total affix tiers
Hive MindRareThe Black SunRogue
Apex of ThoughtUncommonThe Black SunMage
Crest of UnityUncommonThe Black SunMage
Prismatic GazeRareThe Black Sun-
Boneclamor BarbuteCommonThe Black Sun-
SomniaN/AChronomancer Jurla
('Temporal Sanctum' Dungeon)
Wraithlord's HarbourUncommonThe Black SunAcolyte
Herald of the ScurryRareThe Black SunPrimalist
Call of the TundraCommonHeorot
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)
Seed of EkkidrasilN/AAberroth-
ParanoiaVery RareThe Black SunSentinel

Unique Body Armor

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
The KestrelCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Doublet of Onos TullCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Prism WrapsCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Shroud of ObscurityCommonBlood, Frost, and DeathAcolyte
Urzil's PrideCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
ExsanguinousRareBlood, Frost, and Death-
Yrun's WisdomCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
ValerootCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Elecoe's AbandonCommonBlood, Frost, and DeathRogue
Titan HeartCommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Woven FleshCommon
(50% chance)
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)
Fundamental CriterionCommonBlood, Frost, and DeathMage
Kermode's CageCommonBlood, Frost, and DeathPrimalist
Dark Shroud of CindersCommon
(50% chance)
Rahyeh, The Black Sun
('The Black Sun' Timeline)
Static ShellUncommonBlood, Frost, and Death-
Aaron's WillVery RareBlood, Frost, and DeathAcolyte
Unstable CoreRareBlood, Frost, and DeathMage
Core of the MountainN/AThe Mountain Beneath
('Lightless Arbor' Dungeon)
Null PortentN/AAberroth-
Wings of ArgentusRareGod Hunter Argentus
('The Stolen Lance' Timeline)
Wall of NothingN/AHarbinger of Treason
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)

Unique Gloves

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Keeper's GlovesCommonEnding the Storm-
AvariceN/A'Ezra's Ledger' quest-
Fingers of the Phantom MireCommonEnding the Storm-
Stormhide PawsCommonEnding the Storm-
Fighting ChanceCommonEnding the Storm-
Riverbend GraspCommonEnding the Storm-
Swaddling of the ErasedCommonEnding the Storm-
Hand of JudgmentCommonEnding the Storm-
BoulderfistsCommonEnding the Storm-
Liath's MachinationsCommonEnding the Storm-
Falcon FistsCommonEnding the Storm-
Li'raka's ClawsCommonEnding the Storm-
Wing GuardsCommonEnding the Storm-
Burning AvariceN/ASoul Gambler
('Soulfire Bastion' Dungeon)
Maehlin's HubrisCommonEnding the Storm-
Blood RoostRareEnding the Storm-
Mortality's GraspRareEnding the Storm-
Ravens' RiseVery RareEnding the Storm-
Salt the WoundVery RareEnding the Storm-
(50% Chance)
Rahyeh, The Black Sun
('The Black Sun' Timeline)
Rule of the SimoonCommonEnding the Storm-
Frostbite ShacklesN/AFrost Lich Formosus
('Blood, Frost, and Death' Timeline)
Julra's ObsessionN/AChronomancer Julra
('Temporal Sanctum' Dungeon)
Sacrificial EmbraceRareThe Husk of Elder Gaspar
('The Last Ruin' Timeline)
Ravenous VoidExtremely Rare
(Drop rate increases with corruption
and is higher the further the echo
is from the center.)
The Husk of Elder Gaspar
('The Last Ruin' Timeline)

Unique Belts

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
VipertailCommonFall of the Empire-
Jungle Queen's Chaps
of Holding
Very RareFall of the Empire-
The ScavengerCommonFall of the Empire-
ThornslingerCommonFall of the Empire-
Chains of UlerosCommonFall of the Empire-
Communion of the ErasedRareFall of the Empire-
Harbinger of StarsCommonFall of the Empire-
Ward TrailCommonFall of the Empire-
Immolator's OblationN/AFire Lich Cremorus
('Soulfire Bastion' Dungeon)
Omen of ThunderN/AAlfrig Wolfmaw
Legacy of the Quiet ForestCommonFall of the Empire-
Azurral's FuryCommonFall of the Empire-
Shattered ChainsN/AShadow of Orobyss
(Minimum Corruption 120)
Strands of SoulsRareAbomination
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)

Unique Boots

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Lessons of the MetropolisCommonSpirits of Fire-
MourningfrostCommonSpirits of Fire-
Flight of the QuetzeriCommonSpirits of Fire-
Advent of the ErasedCommonSpirits of Fire-
DarkstrideCommonSpirits of Fire-
SnowdriftCommonSpirits of Fire-
StormtideCommonSpirits of Fire-
Eterra's PathCommonSpirits of Fire-
Roots of VithrasilUncommonSpirits of Fire-
Blood of the ExileRareSpirits of Fire-
Foot of the MountainN/AThe Mountain Beneath
('Lightless Arbor' Dungeon)
Vaion's ChariotN/AVaion the Arsenal
Transient RestUncommonSpirits of Fire-
Telf'un's MirageCommonSpirits of Fire-
Suloron's StepRareSpirits of Fire-
Stymied FateN/AShade of Orobyss-
RaindanceRareSpirits of Fire-
Last Steps of the LivingCommon
(50% chance)
Frost Lich Formosus-
Fiery Dragon ShoesRareSpirits of Fire-
RazorfallVery RareSpirits of Fire-
StealthRareSpirits of Fire-
Yulia's PathRareHeorot
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)
The InevitableN/AHarbinger of Fear
('The Last Ruin' Timeline)

Unique One-Handed Swords

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Yrun's PenanceCommonReign of Dragons-
Humming BeeCommonReign of Dragons-
Palarus's Sacred LightCommonReign of Dragons-
Rainbow EdgeCommonReign of Dragons-
Gladiator's OathCommonReign of Dragons-
Transcriber's GraverCommonReign of Dragons-
AurelisCommonReign of Dragons-
Naal's ToothVery RareReign of Dragons-
Apogee of Frozen LightCommonReign of Dragons-
Eye of ReenRareReign of Dragons-
ChronostasisCommonReign of Dragons-

Unique One-Handed Axes

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Taste of BloodCommonReign of Dragons-
Cleaver SolutionCommonReign of Dragons-
Beast KingCommonReign of Dragons-
Tempest MawCommonReign of Dragons-
Monument of ProtectionCommonReign of Dragons-
Hakar's PhoenixRareReign of Dragons-
Pact SeveranceRareReign of Dragons-
UndisputedRareReign of Dragons-
Eulogy of BloodRareFrost Lich Formosus
('Blood, Frost, and Death' Timeline)

Unique One-Handed Maces

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Renegade's WillCommonReign of Dragons-
BloodgeonRareReign of Dragons-
Arek's BonesCommonReign of Dragons-

Unique Daggers

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Drought's ReleaseCommonReign of Dragons-
Traitor's TongueRareReign of Dragons-
Jelkhor's Blast KnifeCommonReign of Dragons-
Dragorath's ClawCommonReign of Dragons-
Smoke WeaverRareReign of Dragons-
The Ghost MakerCommonReign of Dragons-
Fulgurite ShardCommonReign of Dragons-

Unique Sceptres

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Firestarter's TorchCommonThe Stolen Lance-
HazelrootCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Frozen IreCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Culnivar's ClaimCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Aberroth's CommandN/AHarbinger of Defilement
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)
The Shattered CycleRareThe Stolen Lance-

Unique Wands

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Alchemist's LadleRareThe Stolen Lance-
Reach of the GraveCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Mad Alchemist's LadleUncommonExiled Mage
(Rune Prison encounters)
Cinder SongUncommonThe Stolen Lance-
TriboelectraUncommonThe Stolen Lance-
Abacus RodCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Marina's Lost SoulUncommonThe Stolen Lance-
WrongwarpVery RareThe Stolen Lance-

Unique Two-Handed Swords

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
DreamthornCommonReign of Dragons-
Battlemage's EndeavorCommonReign of Dragons-
The Last LaughCommonReign of Dragons-
MerophageUncommonExiled Mage
(Rune Prison encounters)
VolcanusCommonReign of Dragons-
Spine of MalatrosCommonReign of Dragons-
Torkrefin's HungerRareReign of Dragons-
(50% chance)
Lagon, God of Storms
('Ending the Storm' timeline)
Black Blade of ChaosN/AHarbinger of Chaos
('Ending the Storm' Timeline)
Eternal EclipseRareRahyeh, The Black Sun
('The Black Sun' Timeline)
Leviathan CarverRareReign of Dragons-

Unique Two-Handed Axes

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Harthenon's VowCommonReign of Dragons-
Bone HarvesterCommonReign of Dragons-
Apathy's MawN/AShade of Orobyss
(Minimum Corruption 50)
Usurper's MandateCommonReign of Dragons-
Sword CatcherRareReign of Dragons-
Death's EmbraceVery RareReign of Dragons-
Pyre of AfflictionN/AFire Lich Cremorus-
Scales of LemniscateRareReign of Dragons-
World SplitterN/AHarbinger of Cruelty
('The Black Sun' Timeline)

Unique Two-Handed Maces

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Hammer of LorentCommonReign of Dragons-
Torch of the PontifexCommonReign of Dragons-
Storm BreakerCommonReign of Dragons-
Shadow BeaconCommonReign of Dragons-
Bhuldar's WrathCommon
(50% chance)
Volcanic Shaman
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Event HorizonN/AHarbinger of Destruction
('Reign of Dragon's Timeline)

Unique Two-Handed Spears

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
DraalstingCommonReign of Dragons-
Sierpin's Fractal TreeUncommonExiled Mage
(Rune Prison encounters)
Tu'rani's BidentCommonReign of Dragons-
Plague Dragon's TongueCommonReign of Dragons-
Lethal ConcentrationCommonReign of Dragons-
Lament of the Lost RefugeCommonReign of Dragons-
Mordita's ReachVery RareReign of Dragons-
The JudicatorRareReign of Dragons-
Trident of the Last AbyssCommon
(50% chance)
Harton's Husk
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)
Bane of WinterN/AHarbinger of Tyranny
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)

Unique Two-Handed Staves

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Bo's AnarchyCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Curse of PerseveranceCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Reowyn's FortressCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Aberrant CallCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Plague Bearer's StaffRareThe Stolen Lance-
Aergon's RefugeVery RareThe Stolen Lance-
Celestial DoomN/AHarbinger of War
('Blood, Frost, and Death' Timeline)
OmnividenceVery RareThe Stolen Lance-
Branch of HallowsRareThe Stolen Lance-
Jasper's Searing PrideCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Wheel of TormentRareThe Stolen Lance-
Dragonflame EdictCommon
(50% chance)
Emperor of Corpses
('Reign of Dragons' Timeline)

Unique Bows

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Hell ReachCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Shadow StringRareFall of the OutcastsRogue
LongshotCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Talons of ValorCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
DragonsongCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Uethrin's StandCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Gathering FuryCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Flight of the FirstRareFall of the OutcastsRogue
AcidfletchCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Drelkor's CompassCommonFall of the OutcastsRogue
Reign of WinterCommon
(50% chance)
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)

Unique Quivers

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
ArrowguardCommonFall of the Outcasts-
Sanguine HoardCommonFall of the Outcasts-
Troaka's TeethCommonFall of the Outcasts-
Zeurial's HuntCommonFall of the Outcasts-
NightbringerRareHarton's Husk
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)
Phase PointN/AHarbinger of Pride
('The Stolen Lance' Timeline)

Unique Shields

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
The SlabCommonThe Black Sun-
Close CallCommonThe Black Sun-
Soul BastionCommonThe Black Sun-
Cradle of the ErasedCommonThe Black Sun-
Grim ConstitutionCommonThe Black Sun-
Sigeon's ReprisalCommonThe Black Sun-
Life's JourneyRareThe Black Sun-
Face of the MountainN/AThe Mountain Beneath
('Lightless Arbor' Dungeon)
Moenia MentisCommonThe Black Sun-
Bastion of HonourVery RareThe Black Sun-
ThornshellCommonThe Black Sun-
Flayer's PrideRareAbomination
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)
Coral AegisCommon
(50% chance)
Lagon, God of Storms
('Ending the Storm' Timeline)
Rahyeh's LightVery RareThe Black Sun-
Bulwark of the Last AbyssCommon
(50% chance)
Harton's Husk
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)
Faith of the FrozenRareHeorot
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)
Horns of UhkeirosRareEmperor of Corpses
('Reign of Dragons' Timeline)

Unique Off-Hand Catalysts

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Vial of VolatileCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Chronicle of the DamnedCommonThe Stolen Lance-
RotmindCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Stygian CoalCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Fragment of the EnigmaCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Ignivar's HeadCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Frey's RetreatCommonThe Stolen Lance-
Scales of Eterra (1)RareThe Stolen Lance-
Scales of Eterra (2)RareThe Stolen Lance-
Scales of Eterra (3)RareThe Stolen Lance-
Symbol of DemiseCommon
(50% chance)
Emperor of Corpses
('Reign of Dragons' Timeline)
The CuckooN/AExiled Mage
(Rune Prison encounters)

Unique Rings

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Arboreal CircuitCommonThe Age of Winter-
Tongue of the Aberrant SeerCommonThe Age of Winter-
Quicksilver CoilCommonThe Age of Winter-
Phantom GripCommonThe Age of Winter-
Ring of the Third EyeCommonThe Age of Winter-
Font of the ErasedCommonThe Age of Winter-
SunwreathCommonThe Age of Winter-
Carcinization of MomentumCommonThe Age of Winter-
Orian's Sun SealCommonThe Age of Winter-
Hollow FingerCommonThe Age of Winter-
Julra's StardialN/AChronomancer Julra
('Temporal Sanctum' Dungeon)
SilvafrondRareThe Age of Winter-
Liath's SignetRareThe Age of Winter-
PenumbraN/AThe Crimson Blade
Flames of MidnightN/AHarbinger of Ash
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Ribbons of BloodCommon
(50% chance)
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)
Siphon of AnguishN/AShade of Orobyss-
Ashes of MortalityN/AFire Lich Cremorus
('Soulfire Bastion' Dungeon)
Heirloom of the Last NomadRareThe Age of Winter-
Cycle of PutrescenceCommonThe Age of Winter-
OceareonVery RareThe Age of Winter-
Red Ring of AtlariaExtremely RareThe Age of Winter-

Unique Amulets

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Gambler's FallacyN/A'Artem's Offer' Quest-
Bleeding HeartCommonThe Age of Winter-
The ClawCommonThe Age of Winter-
Strong MindCommonThe Age of Winter-
Chimaera's EssenceCommonThe Age of Winter-
Tears of the ForestCommonThe Age of Winter-
Death RattleCommonThe Age of Winter-
Soul Gambler's FallacyN/ASoul Gambler
('Soulfire Bastion' Dungeon)
The FangCommonThe Age of Winter-
Xithara's ConundrumUncommonThe Age of Winter-
Apostate's SanctuaryRareThe Age of Winter-
Serpent's MilkCommonThe Age of Winter-
Frozen Eyes of FormosusCommon
(50% chance)
Frost Lich Formosus
('Blood, Frost, and Death' Timeline)
DevotionCommonThe Age of Winter-
Aurora's Time GlassVery RareThe Age of Winter-
OmnisN/AShade of Orobyss
(Minimum Corruption 200)
Orian's EyeExtremely RareThe Age of Winter-
The Confluence of FateRareRahyeh, The Black Sun
('The Black Sun' Timeline)
Logi's HungerRareVolcanic Shaman
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Eye of StormsRareLagon, God of Storms
('Ending the Storm' Timeline)

Unique Relics

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Egg of the ForgottenN/ANemesis-
Grimoire of Necrotic ElixirsCommonThe Last Ruin-
Tome of ElementsCommonThe Last Ruin-
Vortex PennantCommonThe Last RuinSentinel
Ambitions of an Erased AcolyteCommonThe Last RuinAcolyte
Code of an Erased SentinelCommonThe Last RuinSentinel
Dedication of an Erased PrimalistCommonThe Last RuinPrimalist
Gambit of an Erased RogueCommonThe Last RuinRogue
Knowledge of an Erased MageCommonThe Last RuinMage
CrueltyCommonThe Last RuinAcolyte
SoulfireCommonThe Last Ruin-
Orchirian's PetalsN/AOchirian the Rampant-
Pillager's GoldCommonThe Last RuinRogue
Box of HydraeCommonThe Last RuinMage
Eye of OrexiaCommonThe Last RuinMage
Kelthan Blasting AgentCommonThe Last RuinRogue
Ashes of OchirianN/ASoul Gambler
('Soulfire Bastion' Dungeon)
Murama's HiltCommonThe Last Ruin-
Melvern's WritRareThe Last Ruin-
Diothaen's Bloody NibRareThe Last RuinMage
Ucenui's SphereCommonThe Last Ruin-
Valdyr's ChaliceRareThe Last Ruin-
Bloodkeeper's NestRareThe Last Ruin-
Herkir's VesselCommon
(50% chance)
Volcanic Shaman
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Stormcarved TestamentRareLagon, God of Storms
('Ending the Storm' Timeline)
Anchor of OblivionRareHarton's Husk
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)
Twisted Heart of UhkeirosRareEmperor of Corpses
('Reign of Dragons' Timeline)
Vessel of StrifeN/AChronomancer Julra
('Temporal Sanctum' Dungeon)

Unique Small Idols

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Harbinger's NeedleN/AHarbinger of Defilement
('Fall of the Outcasts' Timeline)
Harbinger of Pride
('The Stolen Lance' Timeline)
Harbinger of Chaos
('Ending the Storm' Timeline)
Harbinger of Tyranny
('The Age of Winter' Timeline)
Harbinger of Ash
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Harbinger of Fear
('The Last Ruin' Timeline)
Harbinger of Treason
('Fall of the Empire' Timeline)
Harbinger of Destruction
('Reign of Dragons' Timeline)
Harbinger of Cruelty
('The Black Sun' Timeline)
Harbinger of War
('Blood, Frost, and Death' Timeline)
SingularityUncommon"Stargazer's Collection" One-Shot Cache
(Titan's Canyon - Imperial Era, Level 36)

Unique Large Idols

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Unvar's RiseCommon-Mage

Unique Huge Idols

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Unvar's ExileCommon-Mage

Unique Adorned Idols

ItemRarityTimeline FoundClass
Throne of AmbitionRareGod Hunter Argentus
('The Stolen Lance' Timeline)
Trinity of FlamesRareVolcanic Shaman
('Spirits of Fire' Timeline)
Unvar's HegemonyCommon-Mage

Be sure to check out all of our latest news and guides for Last Epoch at Pro Game Guides, such as All Last Epoch Blessing and where to get them.

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About the Author

All Unique Items in Last Epoch and How to get them (2) Stephanie Watel is a freelance writer for Pro Game Guides. Stephanie has been with the site for a few months, and in the games media industry for about a year. Stephanie typically covers the latest news and a variety of gaming guides for the site, and loves gardening and being the bird lady of the neighborhood. She has a BA in Writing from Pace University in NY.

More Stories by Stephanie Watel

All Unique Items in Last Epoch and How to get them

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All Unique Items in Last Epoch and How to get them (2025)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Last Updated:

Views: 6304

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.